VIII Bomber Command 59

19 May 1943
media-23266.jpeg UPL 23266 Lt. Frank Robert Spitznagel and crew. 364th Squadron, 305th BG. Assembled June 18, 1943 in front of their B-17 #42-29633, nicknamed "SpitzFire"
(Personnel noted Back Row Left - Right; Front Row L-R)

Ds 6/30/2018

Object Number - UPL 23266 - Lt. Frank Robert Spitznagel and crew. 364th Squadron, 305th BG. Assembled June 18, 1943 in front of their B-17 #42-29633, nicknamed...


The German naval bases at Kiel and Flensburg, Germany are the two primary targets for this mission. A force of 123 B-17s is despatched from: 91BG (19); 92BG (10); 303BG (27); 305BG (22); 306BG (24) and 351BG (21) to bomb the naval facilities at Kiel, Germany. Dense flak and fierce fighter opposition is encountered. This has the two-fold strategic objective of drawing up the Luftwaffe for destruction of their fighters and attaking the port facilities supporting the German U-Boat offensive. 101 of 103 of the B-17s despatched are effective on the primary at Kiel. One B-17 from 351st BG drops on the secondary target for this formation, the port facilities at Flensburg, Germany and another drops on a target of last resort the Kreigsmarinewerft dock yards. 6 B-17s are MIA. The bomber gunners claim 48-7-21 on the attacking fighters. 

A second formation of 64 B-17s are depatched from: 94BG (26); 95BG (15) and 96BG (23) to bomb the naval yards at Flensburg, Germany. Anti-aircraft fire and fighter opposition is also stiff aginst this formation but NO B-17s are lost and 9 are damaged. The bomber gunners claim 12-4-14 on the enemy fighters. 

The 379th Bomb Group despatches 24 B-17s on a diversion for the bombers attacking at Kiel and Felnsburg. This is their first operation. They will fly their first bombing operation on 29-May-43. This diversion is escorted by 117 P-47s despatched from 4FG, 56FG and 78FG. Therer are no losses or claims in the bomber formation or among the escorting fighters.

Mission Details

Description: NAVAL YARD

Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 134.00
  • People killed in action: 2
  • People wounded in action: 4
  • Aircraft sent: 64
  • Aircraft effective: 55
  • Aircraft damaged: 9

Description: U-BOAT PENS

Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress

Notes: A British civilian news correspondent was killed on a 91st Bomb Group aircraft that was Missing in Action (MIA). One B-17 from 351st Bomb Group drops on Flensberg and another from 315th Bomb Group drops on Kriegmarinewerft docks. Each drop 10 X 500GP bombs (included in Kiel totals). No fighter escort on this mission.

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 236.95
  • People killed in action: 36
  • People wounded in action: 7
  • People evaded: 1
  • Prisoners of war: 26
  • Aircraft sent: 123
  • Aircraft effective: 103
  • Aircraft missing in action: 6
  • Aircraft damaged: 28

Description: DIVERSION

Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress

Notes: 24 B-17s despatched from 379BG fly a diversion for the attacks on Kiel and Flensburg, German as their first operation.

Mission Statistics

  • Aircraft sent: 24


See how this entry relates to other items in the archive by exploring the connections below.


A B-17 Flying Fortress (YB-G, serial number 42-29858) of the 508th Bomb Squadron, 351st Bomb Group taxying at Polebrook. Handwritten caption on reverse: 'Pre-Aug '44. Visiting B-17 waits to t/o. 508BS, YB-G, 351st BG. Polebrook. Source - Ed Hedrick (195A).'
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Murder Incorporated, then Censored
  • Unit: 351st Bomb Group 508th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Snoozin Susan
  • Unit: 351st Bomb Group 509th Bomb Squadron
Pilot  Lt. Lloyd Christman and crew members
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Buck-Shot
  • Unit: 351st Bomb Group 509th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Kentucky Babe aka Ain’t it Gruesome
  • Unit: 351st Bomb Group 509th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Unit: 351st Bomb Group 511th Bomb Squadron



303rd BG Web Page


Lee Cunningham 4-Jan-2015. Corrected typo in description.


Lee Cunningham 4-Jan-2015. Added description based on "The Mighty Eighth War Diary" Roger A. Freeman.


Lee Cunningham 4-Jan-2015. Added Diversion event and description per "The Mighty Eighth War Diary" Roger A. Freeman.


Lee Cunningham, 8th Air Force missions research database / Stan Bishop's 'Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces', the Combat Chronology of the US Army Air Forces and the work of Roger Freeman including the 'Mighty Eighth War Diary'.

VIII Bomber Command 59: Gallery (1 items)