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Contrails left by P-47 Thunderbolts of the 78th Fighter Group. Passed for publication 28 October 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'Thunderbolts - the "Guardian Angels" of Flying Fortresses. Here are pictures of Thunderbolts P-47s, the famous American fighter planes, which escort Flying Fortresses on their daylight missions over Occupied Europe. Photo shows:- High in the English skies our American Thunderbolts - P-47s, make long contrails as they set off for another mission over Continental Europe. The planes are up about 15,000 feet, gaining altitude rapidly. The contrails - what airmen call vapor trails - are caused by the freezing low temperatures at that altitude - nearing sixty below at 30,000 feet many times. It is a typically cloudy English sky, and all our American Air Force men are quite familiar with it by now. U.S. Pool/SH/G. Keystone 55 & 56.'


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Line up of P-47 Thunderbolts of the 82nd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, at Duxford air base. September 1944. Printed caption on reverse of print: '55432 AC - War Birds Home To Rest - Republic P-47 Thunderbolts lined up on an 8th Air Force field in England after a daylight sweep over Germany. Crews have finished inspections and refueling.'
  • Site type: Airfield
  • Known as: "Duckpond"


ChangesAAM ingest

IWM, Roger Freeman Collection