
Stardust daughter

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(Cinquanta Radys) Carroll

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My father, Fiorino Anthony Cinquanta (“Tony”), was the 17 year old co-pilot of the B-17 “Stardust,” flying to Berlin, when it was hit by flak and left formation to crash land behind enemy lines at a small airfield in Poland. He was reported missing in action. He rarely spoke about his experience, repairing their plane with scavenged parts and a complete engine from other crashed and destroyed B-17 bombers. Stardust returned to England six weeks later with its entire crew, and he went on to fly 16 more missions over Berlin. When I was 4 or 5 years old (1957) and in the hospital to have my tonsils out, he brought me a music box that played the tune “stardust.” I never knew the significance of this until two years ago, when I was 62 years old. How wonderful to have discovered that incredible connection. I can still hear that music box and recall the tune “Stardust” all these years later. Thanks dad, for everything. Love you always, Stardust Daughter

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