George J Hays

Captain Harold E. Stump and Second Lieutenant George J. Hays of the 78th Fighter Group with a P-47 Thunderbolt nicknamed "Bad Medicine", 15 October 1943. Passed for publication 15 Oct 1943. Handwritten caption on reverse: '22. 78FG. Cpt. Harold E. Stump in a/c. 2/Lt. George J. Hays on wing.' Printed caption on reverse: 'A Visit To An American Fighter Station. This is a pictorial series depicting the various aspects of life of one of the oldest American fighter groups over in England - operationally speaki media-401518.jpg FRE 2774 Captain Harold E. Stump and Second Lieutenant George J. Hays of the 78th Fighter Group with a P-47 Thunderbolt nicknamed "Bad Medicine", 15 October 1943.
Passed for publication 15 Oct 1943.

Handwritten caption on reverse: '22. 78FG. Cpt. Harold E. Stump in a/c. 2/Lt. George J. Hays on wing.'
Printed caption on reverse: 'A Visit To An American Fighter Station. This is a pictorial series depicting the various aspects of life of one of the oldest American fighter groups over in England - operationally speaking. The boys are seen lounging around between missions - they play cards, read and just plan "shoot the bull". But, when they fly against the Germans, you can bet they'll come out on top. - They have maintained about a four to one ratio of "kills" against their own losses.
Photo Shows:- Pointing to the swastika denoting his first Jerry-plane after some sixty-odd missions against the Luftwaffe is Captain Harold E. Stump, Cody, Wyoming, Thunderbolt pilot, stationed "somewhere in England". On his left is 2nd. Lt. George J. Hays, Leeds, Alabama, who has a half-hundred missions to his credit. Captain Stump's ship, "Bad Medicine", has proved just that to the German fliers in their "Big Leagues" of fighters over England. He got that Jerry on September, the day of the Emden raid. U.S. Pool/SG/H. Keystone. 22.' On reverse: Keystone Press and US Army General Section Press & Censorship Bureau [Stamps]. Roger Freeman Collection

IWM, Roger Freeman Collection

Object Number - FRE 2774 - Captain Harold E. Stump and Second Lieutenant George J. Hays of the 78th Fighter Group with a P-47 Thunderbolt nicknamed "Bad Medicine", 15 October...



Drawn from the records of the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, Savannah, Georgia / Unit roster on page 135 in 'Eagles of Duxford' book by Fry

George J Hays: Gallery (1 items)